
Our Commitment

Penn State Homecoming is committed to increasing our sustainability efforts as an organization and inspiring those involved in Homecoming to take similar action. As an organization, we celebrate Penn State’s traditions while creating our own to preserve the future.

Pillars of Sustainability

The three pillars of sustainability are the universal foundation to building a more sustainable community. At Homecoming we are using them as the guidelines to produce our sustainability initiatives.


Education is the base for making a sustainable future. Our goal is to educate all committees and organizations within the organization on the importance of sustainable practices. We improve awareness through seminars, field trips, and setting individual goals amongst each specific committee.


To celebrate sustainability efforts, we will be planting a tree to kick off our new 5-Year Sustainability Plan. We are also continuing with our recycling effort, HOPE. To inspire the past, present, and future of Homecoming, these two initiates reach all of Penn State’s community. We help the community finds their roots in tradition while branching out for a more sustainable tomorrow by bringing to light our sustainability efforts.


Homecoming is dedicated to preserving our community, which we do throughout the year. At each event, we will be tracking everything from waste to water, and strive to have at least 95%
of that waste diverted. All of our supplies used at events are reviewed and analyzed based on if they can be sustainably disposed. Right now, most of our supplies purchased are either compostable or recyclable.


HOPE stands for Homecoming OPPerations Protecting the Environment. HOPE is our recycling effort that allows your organization or committee to earn points throughout the year by collecting cans (preferably uncrushed) for Homecoming to recycle! HOPE bags can be found in the Homecoming Office (located in HUB 227B) for all organizations, which you will fill up with aluminum cans. When you have a full bag, you will be able to drop them off at a weekly drop-off location. HOPE is one of Homecoming’s efforts in creating more sustainable habits in our environment and organization.

What Else Are We Doing?

Zero Waste

Education is the base for making a sustainable future. Our goal is to educate all commiTo consider us zero waste, Homecoming has created a goal that 95% of waste produced by Homecoming will be diverted from landfills at Homecoming events. This is achieved by limiting the use of excess and non-sustainable resources. Throughout the next five years, we are dedicated to tracking diversion rates and producing new plans and initiatives to help us achieve this goal.ttees and organizations within the organization on the importance of sustainable practices. We improve awareness through seminars, field trips, and setting individual goals amongst each specific committee.

Plant a Tree

To celebrate our sustainability efforts and show our dedication to a more sustainable university, Homecoming will be planting a tree to kick off the new 5-Year Sustainability Plan. We hope to inspire everyone by making a more sustainable tomorrow and bringing to light our sustainability efforts.

Recycle Your Float

Recycle Your Float is an initiative with the goal of diverting all waste produced by the parade floats away from landfills. The event is held the day after the parade, where all competing organization’s floats are returned to the parade grounds to be stripped of materials. The wood and metal used on the floats are recycled to be used by local businesses and, starting this year, the chicken wire will be repurposed at local farms.

Sustainability Sourcing

As an organization, Homecoming has reviewed all supplies used at its events and analyzed each based-on disposability. As of now, most waste produced is either recyclable or compostable and all remaining supplies will be replaced with sustainable alternatives by Homecoming 2028.

Sustainability Seminar

The goal of the Homecoming Sustainability Education Program is to educate all committees and organizations participating in Homecoming on the importance of sustainable practices and how they can be more sustainable in their everyday lives. Through a partnership with the Penn State Sustainability Institute, Homecoming committees and organizations are taught about how they can stay involved in a more sustainable university as well as in their home communities.

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Court Relations

Events Captains, ICL/Head of DEI (2)

The Events Captains are responsible for planning events in celebration of the selection of the 2023 Homecoming Court. This includes the Court Reception, Court Workshop, and Court Crash. They also communicate with the Alumni Association and Staff at the Hintz Center to prepare for these events. One of theses captains will also act as the Court Relations Committee’s Head of DEI/Events Captain. This Captain will lead initiatives and conversations throughout the year to bring up common Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion issues. The other Events captain will double as the Court Relations Inter-Committee Liaison. The ICL/Events Captain is responsible for taking meeting minutes and fostering morale and bonding within the committee. Both of these captains, while having separate specializations, will collaborate during the planning of Court Relation’s events!

Student Court Captains (1-2)

These captains will work together to coordinate all efforts involving the Student Court. This includes communicating with the past court and involving them in Spring events for Homecoming. It also entails the nomination, application, voting, and selection of the Student Court for Homecoming 2022. This also involves assisting in the coordination of the Faculty Panel and ensuring the appearance of the Homecoming court at events throughout Homecoming Week.

University Court Captain (1)

The University Court Captain is involved in the coordination of all things surrounding the University Court. This includes the nomination and selection of Court as well as the appearance of the court at events throughout Homecoming Week. This captain will also work with the Graduate Court Captain to select a Student Panel.

Graduate and Professional School Court Captain (1)

The Graduate Court captain is in charge of the coordination of all things surrounding the Graduate Court. This includes the nomination and selection of Court as well as the appearance of the court at events throughout Homecoming Week. This will include outreach efforts to different graduate organizations to make them aware of nominations. This captain will also work with the University Court Captain to select a Student Panel.