
Why Volunteer?

Why should you volunteer for Penn State Homecoming? Well, because Penn State Homecoming is the second largest organization on campus and hosts the largest student-run parade in the nation! Besides those facts, here are a few reasons why you should join our year long festivities:

  • Showcase Your Penn State Pride
  • Make A Positive Impact Within The Community
  • Gain Valuable Leadership Experience
  • Unleash Your Creativity
  • Build Lasting Connections
  • Experience The Traditions

Whether you’re passionate about community engagement, event planning, or simply spreading joy, we have a place for you! Explore the opportunities that await and join us in creating unforgettable memories together!

Captain Committees

Homecoming Captains are instrumental in the organization. Captains work alongside others and are led by a director to design, coordinate, and execute various tasks that benefit Homecoming. These tasks could include hosting events, creating competitions, working with Alumni, and so much more! Each Captain has specific duties within their committee. Together, these committees collaborate to execute more than 10 different Homecoming events throughout the year. A few Captain committees include Alumni Relations, Public Relations, University Relations, and OPPerations.

Committee Members

In addition to Homecoming’s 13 Captain Committees, there are opportunities for students to get involved as a committee members. Committee members assist in Homecoming events and are vital to the success of Penn State’s Homecoming celebration. Students can get involved with Merchandise, OPPerations, or the University Relations Involvement committee. Students also can apply to emcee all events throughout the year, including the parade at the end of Homecoming week.

First-Year Involvement Committee

The First-Year Involvement Committee is selected in the fall and is a way for first-years to get involved immediately following their acceptance to Penn State. You will be able to help plan the week-long Homecoming celebration and get to make friends while doing it. This committee assists the University Relations Captains, helps promote different events throughout Homecoming week, and will even get to be in the Homecoming Parade!

Please note: you must be a first-year to apply.

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Court Relations

Events Captains, ICL/Head of DEI (2)

The Events Captains are responsible for planning events in celebration of the selection of the 2023 Homecoming Court. This includes the Court Reception, Court Workshop, and Court Crash. They also communicate with the Alumni Association and Staff at the Hintz Center to prepare for these events. One of theses captains will also act as the Court Relations Committee’s Head of DEI/Events Captain. This Captain will lead initiatives and conversations throughout the year to bring up common Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion issues. The other Events captain will double as the Court Relations Inter-Committee Liaison. The ICL/Events Captain is responsible for taking meeting minutes and fostering morale and bonding within the committee. Both of these captains, while having separate specializations, will collaborate during the planning of Court Relation’s events!

Student Court Captains (1-2)

These captains will work together to coordinate all efforts involving the Student Court. This includes communicating with the past court and involving them in Spring events for Homecoming. It also entails the nomination, application, voting, and selection of the Student Court for Homecoming 2022. This also involves assisting in the coordination of the Faculty Panel and ensuring the appearance of the Homecoming court at events throughout Homecoming Week.

University Court Captain (1)

The University Court Captain is involved in the coordination of all things surrounding the University Court. This includes the nomination and selection of Court as well as the appearance of the court at events throughout Homecoming Week. This captain will also work with the Graduate Court Captain to select a Student Panel.

Graduate and Professional School Court Captain (1)

The Graduate Court captain is in charge of the coordination of all things surrounding the Graduate Court. This includes the nomination and selection of Court as well as the appearance of the court at events throughout Homecoming Week. This will include outreach efforts to different graduate organizations to make them aware of nominations. This captain will also work with the University Court Captain to select a Student Panel.